Duncan-Selix ARC, Fort Carson, CO. - Grounds Repair 1
Soil amendments for new large scale sod installation. Site preparation, sprinkler repairs
and adjustments, and soil installation.
Buckley Air Force Base, CO. - Tree Removal and Installation 1
Removal of approximately 160 dead trees and installation of 80 new 2 1/2" caliper trees.
Martinez USARC, CO. _ New Landscaping 1
Rre-grade south area of facility and install new landscaping to improve erosion control. Included major grading, tree pruning and removal, drainage covert re-build decorative rock installation and new soil and sod installation.
Fitzsimons USARC, CO - Major Landscaping Renovations and Erosion Control 1
Installation of new landscaping to provide better erosion control and for aesthetics purposes. Included relocating three main sprinkler lines, testing and repairing entire sprinkler system, and installing seeding and decorative gravel. Repaired landscaping and grades.
Buckley Air Force Base, CO - Concrete Block Wall 1
Excavation for the installation of Keystone retaining wall. Installed segmental block wall approximately 180' long by 4' high.
United States Air Force Academy, CO - Replace Curtain Wall Landscape 1
Removal and replacement of shrubs, sod and irrigation systems.
Denver Federal Center, CO - Main Water Tap Installation 1
Water tap trench backfill and compaction, including landscape renovations and grading.
Buckley Air Force Base, CO - Grounds Maintenance 1
5-month grounds maintenance of the entire Buckley Air Force Base. Enhanced grounds maintenance for 46.2 acres. Improved 141.7 acres, athletic field services for 3.6 acres, litter/debris removal for 1,434 acres, and weed/pest/disease control for 50 acres.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CO - New Landscaping for Building Renovation
Installation of native plants and trees and design/installation of irrigation system for new plant material. Renovated existing landscaping.
Gunnison Army Reserve, CO - Install Parking Lot Lighting 1
Installation of trenching, electrical conduit, and caissons for parking lot lighting. Excavated trenches for conduit, installed conduit, exavated and installed caissons. Repaired landscape and grades.
Colorado Springs Utilities, CO - Main Building, Major Landscape Renovation and Maintenance
Major landscape renovations including plant bedding material replacement, xeriscaping, tree installation, pruning and maintenance of existing vegetation, irrigation repairs, and wood mulch installation. Project was completed with outstanding City approval.
Pine Creek High School, CO - Irrigation System Expansion and Landscaping
Irrigation design and installation, soil amendment installation, grading, and sod installation.
Denver Federal Center, CO - Parking Lot Lighting 1
Installation of trenching and excavation for electric light fixtures. Renovate landscaping.
Gunnison Army Reserve, CO - Install New Main Gas Line 1
Installation of gas line trench and new 6" gas main. Demolished existing concrete structures and removal of landscaping for new gas line. Excavation of gas line trench to specific elevations, backfill, and compaction. Re-install new concrete structures and landscaping.
United States Air Force Academy, CO - Install Underground Drainage System/Landscape Rehab 1
Installation of trenching and piping for underground drain system. Renovated landscaping: native seeding (hydro-mulching), irrigation repairs and installation, and sod installation.
1 served as the key subcontractor for DWG & Associates, Inc.